Lasboss x Hero review

Apr 05, 2021
this manga can seem messy, but it is mostly intentionally made to be that way. It's made with imperfection as one of its main theme and it is self aware that the story it has isn't great and or perfect by any means. I think it is rather well thought and there're a lot of heart and thought put into it. Granted there might be some things you can nitpick, i myself have found one or two issue in the story, which would've been great if it was properly explained rather than being left in the dark, but i don't think those part are overwhelmingly important towards the story. All the intentional imperfections created the limitations and flaws/defect, and those flaws are fleshed out and integrated as part of the story which then the mc have to work around or find a way to fix. It has its ups and downs. Almost everything has a reason why things are the way they are. it doesn't really take itself seriously in the first half with all the repetitive cliche/gags and references like death note "keikaku", but it gets more serious along the way. It can be understandable that the ending can be unsatisfactory or seemed abrupt, but i think it was wrapped up rather nicely, consistent and well thought.

almost all are rather shallow, lacking depth, and or generic but it is intentionally made to be that way. MC himself got a rather nice character growth which can be inspiring. rather realistic or believe able portrayal of mangaka and editorial department relationship and how it affects the end product.

Fairly decent. there aren't anything wrong or non proportionate, but it doesn't exactly stand out with brilliance either.

If you pay attention to details and keep an open mind, i think you can find this manga quite interesting and enjoyable. personally it was nice and enjoyable to me.

I think it was a rather nice story. Not exactly unique with cliches intentionally used, but not necessarily unoriginal as well. It's the kind of story where you can take a self reflection at the end and find motivation out of it to better yourself and to keep going on. Kind of compelling and memorable. If you'd rather have plain generic isekai where mc just Want to laze around with their slow, boring, and non meaningful life but somehow finds success with their plot armor and op abilities that was somehow given by incompetent gods making mistakes, then this isn't the manga for you.
Faire un don


Lasboss x Hero
Lasboss x Hero
Auteur Kuzushiro