Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan: Totteoki no Uso review

Apr 04, 2021
I came across this manga completely by chance and I’m not even sure what made me pick it up. Since it’s not my typical read, I don’t have much in my line up to compare it to but its definitely worth looking at.

The twists and turns in this manga were done right. You think “oh so that’s why that happened” and a page later your rethinking your whole though process and trying to figure everything out all over again. The stability of the main characters wavers as things develop [I’m speaking mental stability within their character, not the actual written character] so ways of thinking tend to change with stability. You’ll make your own assumptions about the characters and their sanity.

The story is told through Mii-kun eyes. But you have to remember that Mii-kun went through a series of trauma as well so what you’re seeing isn’t quite a clear picture. I had to re-read sections at times to determine if what he said was actual truth or another lie. I think the author did a good job conveying what affect the incident years ago left on Mii-kun and Maa-chan. It showed what pieces of self the characters lost and what they had adapted into in order to get by.

I’d read it again just to get a better understanding of the concepts and Mii-kun character. I’d also recommend it but expect what you’re getting, a psychological story of kidnap and murder.

I cant recommend movies since this is a manga but if you enjoyed this try watching Perfect Blue. Its a different story but it has the same psychological thriller aspect.

Story: 8 [very good]
Art: 8 [very good]
Character: 9 [great]
Enjoyment: 8 [very good]
Overall: 8 [very good]
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