AJIN review

Apr 02, 2021
I think this manga reflects a lot about the Japanese tendencies to think that everyone is plotting against them and paranoia of the author than anything else.

Sorry, allow me to rephrase that. Ajin is torture porn, the end.

To clarify, it is a torture porn without the porn part, The entire thing showed its brain damage the moment the Ajin were used as car crash dummy, yeah how one dimensional of you mr. bad guy. And I think the author misunderstood the meaning of "grey vs grey", and we got 1-dimensional bad guys (the big bad corporation guy) vs 1-dimensional bad guys (the big bad Ajin terrorist guy), leading to me not caring who wins because both sides are black cardboards.

And the MC, talk about a apathetic character, Tatsuya-stu has more personality than him and Tatsuya- stu is a robot with no feelings. There is something seriously wrong with your show when your characters brings out this much apathy both in-universe and by the readers.

Whatever ideas or morals or whatever the author is trying to communicate, is completely lost or perhaps never existed in the first place.

It is torture without converting a point, besides "human are bastards" and even that idea comes off as more of the authors paranoia when the characters act so evil it is questionable how the hell do they even function normally in society.
Faire un don


Auteur Miura Tsuina
Artiste Sakurai Gamon