Apr 13, 2021
Very bizarre. It's almost better to read it as if the main characters were trapped in a shoujo romcom and forced to act out the various cliches of the genre. The two leads are so trapped in their delusions, they not only impede on their own lives, but also everyone else's around them. The male lead is dummy tsun and knows it, but he constantly goes back and forth about how much he loves the main girl while hurting others. Everything the main girl does is melodramatic because that's how she believes her life should be and she can't grasp what a normal relationship should be. It's strange because all the other characters act realistically or fairly human, the only times they step into the unreal is when one or both of the leads drag them into a melodramatic situation.
The worst part about all of this is that there's a good story and message underneath all of this, but it falls apart in the execution. I can only believe the author didn't want this to become a full-on drama to keep it under the romcom umbrella and the story suffers for this. The story should have ended two chapters before it did; it wraps up nicely with a good lesson for the characters and audience. There's real development for the main character and she has a nice moment of introspection and self-reflection, but then the author throws it all away and everyone regresses to how they had been before for the sake of a comedy gotcha.
It ends as stupidly as it begins but with the rest of the cast left trying to pick up their lives where the delusions threw them out.
Faire un don


Auteur George Asakura
Artiste George Asakura