Last Game review

Mar 26, 2021
This series is cheesy, predictable, and something we've definitely seen before (Special A, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, etc.) -- and yet it is probably the most endearing thing I have ever read in my entire cynical existence. Because of that, it deserves a complete 9/10.

Seriously, this manga is CUTE. Like ridiculously so. The main character, Yanagi, and his one-sided rivalry/crush on the ever-oblivious Kujou are an absolute blast to read about. Yanagi's inner turmoil is a riot, and Kujou is crazy earnest and sweet in her own stoic way. I don't think I've grinned and giggled this much from a manga series ever -- and I read a lot of cute things, so that's saying something.

It reminded me a bit of Ouran High School Host Club, where Yanagi is Tamaki (obviously in love with the oblivious heroine in a way that is almost hilariously pathetic while also being the cutest thing in the universe), and Kujou is Haruhi (a simple girl who lives her own life without caring about what other people think, easily beats others in skill and strength despite being a delicate little flower, and for the most part, has no idea that the hero likes her and often gets annoyed with his silly antics). And I mean this in the best possible way.

Plus, the artwork is really beautiful. The characters are gorgeously designed, and the setup of each page is very easy to follow and plays out like a hilarious and adorable movie in my mind. Even the love rivals are fun to read about. I didn't hate a single character, which is rare for a shoujo manga. To be honest, Kei Souma -- the other guy who falls unexpectedly in love with the dense, unassuming girl that is our heroine -- might be my favourite one. The fact that the series wraps up perfectly with a heartwarming little bow is a bonus.

Overall, this manga is definitely worth the shot if you like quirky-cute romantic comedies with blushing boys who can't seem to catch a break. I definitely recommend it! Now excuse me while I rush off to read everything else Amano has ever published because this was so damn good I'm having withdrawal symptoms...
Faire un don


Last Game
Last Game
Auteur Amano, Shinobu