Loveless review

Apr 03, 2021
I put off reading Loveless for ages due to its 'ongoing' status but just a couple days ago had nothing to read and shrugged myself into reading it.
It wasn't long before I'd really been captured by the story. It started off with Aoyagi Ritsuka being just the most adorable, smart and overall great character he was. The thing that really interested me to start with was his desperation to create memories with people and not be forgotten due to whatever happened two years ago.
He was just the first of many good elements though.
The story was really interesting and unique, the idea of having sacrifices and fighters and not knowing if you could really trust people. Character interactions could go between funny and cute to strangely intense and scary.
Soubi and Ritsuka are really fun to read about and their development is emotional and sweet. Usually I would've been worried about the character's ages but despite all the closeness between them it didn't seem weird or unwanted and there wasn't really a sexual element to it (despite the kissing). Soubi in fact had stated a few times in the series that he wasn't going to be interested in a little kid that way and it always seemed very close due to the sacrifice and fighter dynamics.
There were a lot of other interesting characters that were quite original and added a lot to the series. The artwork was beautifully done, simple in the right places and complicated during times that it should be.
I had a great time reading Loveless and upon catching up to the latest chapter wanted to reread it and find other people who liked it as much as I do.
The only reason this didn't get a 9 or 10 score was the annoying filler chapters that were constantly springing up out of nowhere and the shortness of the chapters. It's one of the first manga I've read that have done such a small amount of pages and it honestly just pissed me off that they spent that small amount on things that had nothing to do with the story.
But overall, Loveless is definitely worth reading, if only to watch Ritsuka develop and grow as an amazing main character.
Faire un don


Auteur Kouga, Yun