JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion review

Apr 01, 2021
Jojolion is a very good following part after Part 7 because we can refer to Part 7 as Part 1-3 after Stone Ocean.
9/10 (so far)

The story is not finished but it's really close as I can see.
I really like this new type of storytelling. At part 3 even though I really liked that part I felt like every Stand battle is just there and most of them doesn't really take us closer to the climax of the part. In my opinion, this formula is a lot more interesting, but in the beginning, it was a bit slow and kinda boring, but later it gets a lot better.


Since the second half of Part 7, Araki's art is a masterpiece and it's very true for this part as well.


In this part, not many characters snapped really much. The part isn't done yet so this could change but at this point, there are very few great characters in this part, but overall Part 8 has good characters.


This part is pretty much like Part 4 which is my second favourite Part. The first half of Jojolion is a bit slow but later it's a lot more intense. I give it a 9 because even though in the first half of this Part not that much happens we got to know a lot of information. You have to remember more things than before.


Jojolion is a great part of JoJo so far and I couldn't not recommend it to anyone. If you finished Part 7 there is no reason for you to stay out of this.
Faire un don


JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion
Auteur Araki, Hirohiko