Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day

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Des alternatives: Goblin Slayer: Side Story Brand New Day ; Goblin Slayer Side Story: Brand New Day
Auteur: Kumo kagyu
Artiste: Masahiro ikeno
Taper: Manga
Statut: NO
Publier: 0000-01-01 to ?

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Des alternatives: Goblin Slayer: Side Story Brand New Day ; Goblin Slayer Side Story: Brand New Day
Auteur: Kumo kagyu
Artiste: Masahiro ikeno
Taper: Manga
Statut: NO
Publier: 0000-01-01 to ?
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Commentaires (3)
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Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day review
Apr 04, 2021

It seems like the sexual aspect of goblin slayer just keeps getting worse and worse. The main story's is not too disgusting as it tends to shy away from it at the more inappropriate times though I do think they could handle it better like drawing the rape scenes less sexually and having different angles. I personally prefer for there to be no fanservice in this kind of show with such a touchy topic, since it gets pretty gross when you cut from gruesome murders and rape to naked women. The year one side story was also all right but was a bit worse in my opinion, the worst one being when the girl got sucked into the roof and you could see up her underwear, that was pretty uncalled for and didn't fit the atmosphere, did you really have to draw that? And the naked scenes of the younger farm girl felt a bit more off putting and voyeuristic. But this spinoff is an a whole other level, I'm honestly pretty conflicted if I should continue because of the scenes in here. The first sign was in the story with the two adventurers in the sewers, WHY THE FUCK DI DYOU HAVE TO RIP OFF THAT GIRL'S SKIRT??? What does that contribute to the story??? You could've just had the boy take off the lantern or whatever and have it so it is not attached to the skirt? It felt pretty disgusting and perverted for us to just watch this girl get humiliated and have her piss herself. The worst chapter was the one with the goblin's perspective, this was obvious sexualisation of rape it was just all around horrid, it was straight up soft-core porn they could've done it in a much better way but this was obviously their goal. It would be better if the fanservice(not rape because I don't want to see any more of that legitimate porn in this serious) included men because then it wouldn't feel as degrading towards the women but this is obviously happening because their women. I didn't mind the fanservice as much in the main series because it's just drawn that way or it's a normal occurrence that we're seeing but in these spin-offs it feels like they are humiliating the women and creating these disgusting situations just so we can get off to them. Not to mention for the most part the stories here are pretty lame, not as good as the main and the spin off which isn't that amazing in the first place imo especially the chapter with the little boy, what was the lesson there? Go fight goblins even though you're weak as shit because you'll get to meet a big strong hero? Though I did kind of enjoy that one chapter where the girls were just out around town so that brings my enjoyment up to a 2.
Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day review
Apr 04, 2021
I read the last chapter 6/1/19. I included both of the 6.5 and 9.5 chapters since those were full-length. I'll remove this part when the page gets updated. This is just a reminder for myself.

Just personal scratch.
Advised, possible spoilers
Opinion & Informal

Art: 7/10
The anatomy and proportions checked out. It was interesting to see the differences in art style between the two illustrators of the main series and this spin-off. There were a couple nature showcases in this manga that looked alright, but it wasn't really focused on in light of there also not being too many panoramics or expansive shots. Interior details were about average too, particular scenes being populated and detailed but never going further and attempting to showcase more of Goblin Slayer's world which is what I would have liked more of since this is a spin-off. Exteriors looked and felt like they had more care put into them but just like the interiors, I would have liked more shown to me like what I was shown briefly in the final chapter. I felt like this spin-off's goal was to compile areas of the novels and expand upon and flesh out both the characters and the settings in which GS's adventures take place in, and after briefly skimming over past chapters for this review, I thought it wouldn't have hurt to forego some of the plot in these episodic chapters to see some nice architecture, city-layout, or a better world image. Directly comparing this spin-off to the main series, this manga didn't really have those great impact shots from the main series such as the ones of Goblin Slayer. The art, however, had its own charm to it and I liked it. The action scenes looked dynamic and I don't feel underwhelmed or less-excited than when I'm reading the main series. Overall, I thought the art was fairly good but could have used more shots to build the settings and world.

Panel Progression: 5/10
I didn't really see a lot of flair in the panel layout such as panel-cutting art or the like; the panel design was more defined and the art was mostly constrained to the panels. Looking at examples from action scenes like in chapter 1 or relaxed scenes like in the elf's day off chapter, the panel layouts for both are more or less the same and I felt that the action-focused chapters could have been better suited to more dynamic and wild panel layouts to add spice to the fights. Overall I gave this part a 5 because the panel layouts across almost all of the chapters were pretty basic and didn't have much variation between relaxed, serious, and action-heavy chapters.

Characters: 7/10
I liked how this manga gave me more depth on each of the characters like how they met, how they spend their days off, or how they may view or approach certain people such as GS. I liked the more SoL-focused parts of this manga and didn't think too much about the random adventures GS went on. Overall, I liked the characters because this manga helped a lot on building upon the character dynamics and relationships seen in the main series.

Plot & Development: 5/10
The content that was covered in this spin-off manga did a nice job in adding to Goblin Slayer's world for many of the characters and while I think that it was great that we got to see more of or a deeper look at many of the series' characters, I didn't feel too moved by any of the events or plot that happened in this manga. This manga didn't feel like it was it's own unique singularity and it felt like it was just an optional addition to the main series. By the end of this manga, I didn't feel like I would have missed much if I had not read it and that is why I didn't decide to rate this higher. The content of this manga was more of something you would see in a blu-ray bonus episode or an OVA.

Conclusion: 6/10
A simple conclusion that was alright. It was more or less a throwback to all the characters that Goblin Slayer knows as well as push towards the culmination of how his newfound allies, friends, and experiences thus far have caused GS to grow as a person. I liked the conclusion to this spin-off.

Overall: 5/10
I didn't decide to rate this higher because overall my biggest feeling from this manga was that I wouldn't have missed anything if I had decided not to read it. The main series already does a great job at developing Goblin Slayer's slow emergence out of his isolationism so I felt what little tid-bits that I got from this spin-off didn't amount to the same growth I already saw in the main series. Overall, this is a good pick-up if you're interested in getting that little bit of "extra" in the Goblin Slayer universe.
Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day review
Apr 04, 2021
Goblin Slayer: Brand New day is a spinoff manga of the main story Goblin Slayer, the art is from Masahiro Ikeno and pretty much is a compilation of the most important side stories that happen between the Light Novel Volumes one to eight.

Story is pretty solid, not improved because it's the manga adaptation for the light novel, only you'll see some mangaka freedoms on certain scenes but it's pretty much the graphic story happening on the light novel.

Art is very good, sometimes you see the mangaka has a very clean drawing, he can go on some soft faces for most of the young characters and rough on the same Goblin Slayer and spearman and others. The only thing (if you're not picky) is that some goblins and monsters are real human-like drawn instead of the usual deformed faces that you see on the light novel, same for the red arremer (but that's because copyright issues, understandable).

Characters are solid, based on the light novel, so if you've read the light novel or pretty much you're a westerner and only have watched the anime you'll see some extra personality of them that is indeed how they are on the light novel.

Enjoyment is subjective, but for pretty much a dark fantasy light novel this spin off is more of the slice of life on the world of Goblin Slayer, so you'll enjoy the action, and you probably enjoy the interactions of characters in town or in another quests.

If you're looking for more of Goblin Slayer, and also see what your imagination is missing on the light novels then this is for you. Otherwise if you're not into goblin slayer at all then you should look for something else, dunno why are you here reading a spin off if you haven't tried the real thing!!!