Lasboss x Hero review

Apr 05, 2021
It started off pretty interesting, with the whole set up and attempt to stage a dramatic death and all, as well as the MC's thoughts on his own manga as he goes along.

Characters are all fairly stereotypical, but that's fine considering that its part of the whole premise the story is based on.

But honestly, what really prompted me to write a review was the ending, where things like the responses of manga readers, editors and such were brought up, and the last couple chapters in particular, where (minor spoiler) he's working on the final chapter of his work before he gains the resolve to create the ending he truly wants for himself, and his characters.

It was here where I actually felt that there was actually a intent, a message behind this whole manga. Put simply, I saw it as a representation of the internal conflict of authors as they choose between pandering to their audience, writing something they enjoy, and interpreting their editors advice. And on that note, this part actually reminded me of that "Re:Creators" anime a while back in that sense... But since this came out first, it'd be the other way around, haha...

Now granted, I'm not an expert in this industry, and that it is simply my own interpretation of the manga, so I might be seeing something where there's nothing, but even so, it was enough to prompt a review from me. Even if it wasn't a profoundly deep message or anything like that.

And then there was that typical cliche romance(?) thrown in as well. But I feel that more veered towards simple authorial love rather than romantic love for the characters towards the end as well, which is well, fine by me, but honestly, I wouldn't have minded either way...

Perhaps the best part of the manga was how the MC interacted with his creations, and his inner monologue as he plots and attempts to put those schemes into action, but again, that kinda falls off towards the end...

Overall, the story was quite chaotic, especially towards the end, but whether it was intentional or not, I have no idea, considering the plot with the editor and all... But the execution of the whole thing could've certainly been done better, especially the ending, which was rather... abrupt... to say the least But it was enough for me and pretty much fit the series, although it was probably not satisfactory for everyone. The manga is nothing amazing, but nonetheless, I did enjoy it.
Faire un don


Lasboss x Hero
Lasboss x Hero
Auteur Kuzushiro