Les critiques de livres

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Apr 02, 2021
Qué opina de esto?
Hola a todos, soy yoshiro do.Hoy vamos a hablar de la nueva animación de octubre "acerca de mi reencarnación en el asunto de shlim".
Japón produce una gran cantidad de novelas ligeras cada año, y los nuevos libros llegan a las estanterías en forma de plástico, por lo que la mayoría de los lectores tienen que confiar en el título de la portada para elegir.UN título atractivo es capaz de sobresalir de la multitud de novelas ligeras, y este trabajo es, sin duda, el caso.
El shreem, una criatura ficticia con UN software elástico y sucio, que puede cambiar de forma y moverse, se convierte en UN shreem a través del otro mundo.
El Señor Es miserable, después de la reencarnación incluso el derecho de yy se ha perdido!
El simple hecho de pensar que una persona ha reencarnado y se ha convertido en UN shrym es muy fresco, ¿No es así?De qué medios sobrevivió y conquistó el otro mundo;Cómo él, el shrym, interactúa con otros personajes de la obra;¿Es su cuerpo capaz de tener una novia en el amor...
Estaba muy curiosa y, después de haber visto el primer episodio de la animación, no podía esperar para completar el cómic (el cómic no salió mucho).Resultó que la animación resultó ser sólo una venta de carne de perro colgada con la cabeza de una ogana. schlim era sólo UN truco, ¡Y yo lo pensé demasiado!
¿Es UN slimmer?¡No me engañes!
El maestro se entregó a sí mismo para salvar a una persona, lamentablemente falleció, y logró viajar a través del mundo como UN shrym, adquiriendo la sensación de dolor y una variedad de resistencia a los daños.Con este software de polo de agua sin extremidades, shlim, se pueden adquirir habilidades sin esfuerzo, incluyendo las habilidades con dos errores: "el gran sabio" y "el depredador".El gran virtuoso es como UN superordenador, mientras que el depredador tiene la capacidad de devorar al otro para adquirir las habilidades del otro.Para ser más sencillo, la reencarnación del Señor No es nada de UN shrym, ¡Es completamente UN golosinas legendario!
De hecho, el héroe de otro mundo tiene una gran capacidad que no me repugna, pero es UN poco inexplicable vender carne de perro con la cabeza de una oveja colgada.
El hombre que se volvió después de shlim, sin órganos vocales, sin órganos visuales.No podía ver, no podía hablar y tenía UN cuerpo insensible.Para ser honesto, prefiero ver cómo UN hombre en esta situación puede usar sus habilidades para hacer incursiones en otros mundos.
Anticipación i. ¿Cómo puede la criatura schlim jugar con el mundo de la transmutación en condiciones con defectos congénitos como los sentidos?¡Sin embargo, mis expectativas fueron frustradas!
Pero el autor no lo escribió así.Una vez reencarnado, no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que el maestro recuperara la visión y fuera capaz de hablar, hasta que se convirtió en una hermana después de devorar el cuerpo de una valiente mujer llamada jing.Pero el autor siente que el maestro no es lo suficientemente humano, por lo que le da la sensación de ser humano, papilas gustativas y todo lo demás!¿Es eso todavía la capacidad de tener sexo y hacer bebés?¡Tengo serias dudas de que el Señor Sea asexual!
En este punto, el personaje principal ha evolucionado completamente de UN shrym con varios defectos sensoriales a UN ser humano, por lo que el shrym en el título es simplemente una fachada.Así es el protagonista, así es el personaje secundario que quiere seguir a sus hombres.En este mundo creado por el autor, ser bautizado por los magos superiores es capaz de evolucionar.¿Crees que una configuración tan extraña es lo suficientemente asombrosa?¡NO, NO, NO!Ellos pueden evolucionar como seres humanos después de adquirir UN nombre, los machos de las razas diferentes se convierten en hombres guapos, las hembras se convierten en mujeres guapas, y ambos se convierten en harén del Señor (autor tú me da, ¿Qué es lo que los diferencia de los humanos)!
So, this Is Not at all an animation about the journey of shreem to the other world.El punto de venta del título se convirtió en UN truco, y el público, atraído por el punto más grande de la animación, debe estar UN poco decepcionado.
Expectación ii. ¿Cómo se puede lograr una convivencia armoniosa y el desarrollo común entre las distintas razas que no tienen ningún tipo de intersección física?¡Sin embargo, mis expectativas fueron frustradas una vez más!
Por lo tanto, el punto de vista de la animación acerca de shleim sobre mi reencarnación como shleim no queda más que "adorable".Sin embargo, el autor quiere transmitir la idea central de la amistad, la armonía y el desarrollo común con otras razas a través de los hombres principales en el trabajo. espero con interés una descripción conceptual y una exploración profunda de esta parte.Por ejemplo, las razas son diferentes y sus vidas, culturas y creencias son completamente diferentes.Aun cuando se formara esta familia multirracial, ¿Cómo se dividirían los recursos materiales, tales como la posición, clase y territorio de las razas?La correspondencia de la participación política y militar entre las razas se basa en el tamaño de la raza o en la fuerza de la raza...
Sin embargo, es una pena que el autor no haya profundizado en este tema.Él utiliza una de las maneras más simples de lidiar con esto, que es el contrato blando llamado "dar nombre", es decir, el co-desarrollo multirracial a través de esta relación blando contrato, y evadirse de las cuestiones anteriores, se convierte completamente en una película sin profundidad a través del otro mundo!
¿Una pastilla de comida rápida?Aunque las expectativas se frustran, ¡Sólo queman!
Sin embargo, como una animación de comida rápida estándar con elementos como harlem, fantasía, enredo, combate y magia, "acerca de mi reencarnación en shreem" tiene algo de especial, y se ve bien con las ondas de aire.En particular, OP flama no funciona, que la gente tiene UN impulso de circulación sin cerebro, como es natural, el harén fando flama!
En resumen, cinco estrellas con UN puntapié perfecto, cuatro estrellas para la animación "acerca de mi reencarnación en shlim" es UN poco más alto y tres estrellas UN poco más bajo, así que pensé en darle cuatro estrellas.Sin embargo, UN amigo veterano que ha leído la novela original me dijo que la historia final es más acuosa y vale menos de cuatro estrellas!Si lo escuchas, dale UN par de estrellas por UN momento.¿Qué opina de esto?
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
I've finished reading WN if I'm not mistaken 2 or 3 years ago. How do I put it, the way it is written is completely amateurish, and the story is too happy or I mean less conflicted(?)

I've written this in a review elsewhere: At first, any form of loyalty from each character to their master Rimuru did manage to spoil my heart, but it was so exaggerated that so I think it had flaws in it. I was wondering, what would happen to Rimuru's subordinates if their master died? And all I can imagine is chaos, because anyone knows that all the important characters in this story only give their love and loyalty to Rimuru, they all rely on him, respect him, and adore him, even worship him. If he dies then his subordinates will certainly lose their purpose in life, become empty, and whoever takes his place as leader, then what will arise is only strife, not because of jealousy, but more on the worthiness. I mean, we have mental illness characters like Shion and Diablo, what would happen if their master wasn't Rimuru? Those two wasn't the type who wanted to be a substitute leader if that happened, but the type who only wanted to serve Rimuru. So this is the kind of flaws that I mean. Maybe it would be a different story if only Rimuru could have children, I don't really know.

Now that we come to the LN, I've finished reading up to volume 15. This really comes a different way. The story is developing, but it develops too much and feels annoying. Well, that's what happens when you work with publishers. I mean, that's the way they are. As long as it is popular, various aspects will continue to be added to the story, to keep the series going as long as possible, so the profits will continue to flow.

But despite all of that, I still love it and enjoy it!
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
This light novel is fairly similar to Re: Monster (It is impossible for me not to compare these two series) but I would say this one is more shonen. Well it isn't kiddy either but there isn't really any mature themes (sex, torture, you get it) However in this case I think it is a good thing, it focuses more on the story and characters quirks. Speaking of characters their is a ton of them, most being interesting as well. I will start with the main character Rimuru, he reincarnated as a slime (obviously) and similar to Rou had some OP abilities. Even more similar it is the ability to take others abilities, both also being named Gluttony. Not really a problem for me since it is a pretty cool power. Rimuru was formerly a male but after his rebirth he has no gender so yeah (Poor guy... He was a 37 y/o virgin in his past life...) He isn't really hyper intelligent but he has a good heart and wants to help his friends in any way he can. His friends are also unique and without spoiling anything I will say their is dragons, ogres, lizardman, and orcs. Really that was just breaking the surface, there are tons and they are actually fleshed out unlike Re: Monster because this isn't written like a diary. ...Jeez this is getting dragged out, anyway story is pretty good with its basic demon lords vs humanity. Seeing how the MC is a slime I think you can guess which side he is on. It gets more complex and darker later on as well. Lastly is art which like a regular LN/WN doesn't have much but of course it has a manga adaptation with some decent looking art.

Overall it is a pretty solid novel, seeing various monsters evolve and band together under one entity is just too fun for me. Anyone who has read Re: Monster and liked it should read this already. Nearly 100 chapters translated at this point.

Rereading this review I realized that this is like a comparison between Re: Monster and Tensei Shitara Slime but who cares >.
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
Btw have no idea how many chapters I've read of the novel but I've read halfway through volume 13

So another disclosure, so of the stuff I've read has been machine translated and as such some things may have been lost in translation.

I've always held tensura in high regard, being one of my favorite shows because it's everything that I want, its relatively funny, slice of life, isekai with no real stakes so that I don't have to worry if any of my favorite characters dies. But this does not exactly make for a great story which is where this novel is lacking. Although the story isn't bad, it's not close to a masterpiece and the way the story is told sometimes is very... enduring to say the least. It's a lot of he did this then he did that and this happened because of this or that. Not only that Rimuru literally just gets carried by great sage/ciel, like he's not stupid but he's definitely not on the level of intelligence of Yuuki who is also stupid op. But none of that matters because great sage makes of for everything, she can literally fight for him and can calculate everything in an instant, sooooooo op. Now that's just everyone in tempest, Rimuru has basically befriended everyone who poses a threat, and even then they try to pull the betrayal thing like with Milim, it doesn't matter cause we know that she's still friends with him and would never side with clayman. And just to list some of the people that Rimuru has working directly under him or is friend with: 4 primordials (the race that guy is) Milim, Veldora, and much more, but that should paint a picture enough. The point im trying to get across with this is that Rimuru and everyone in tempest is so op, that there are no real stakes, u know that Rimuru is going in the end no matter what, and the nobody semi important to the story will die either, and that drags down the story. But at the end of the day, tensura is not about having a good story full of meaning and depth, it's just a slime going around trying to make his perfect world with the friends he makes along the way, having fun and ejoying life, and it does that job with flying colors.
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
Due to the fact I read nearly constantly I can be a bit of a harsh reviewer when it comes to books. Much more than shows.

This being said I can only read in english so many things were lost in translation but it was just boring. I only read the first book and I must say I thought it would be an interesting concept. Kind of like Re:Monster. A man reincarnated into a creature with limitless power potential.

That being said the details in comparison just seem uninteresting. The fight scenes in other books are grand and detailed this one is more like "I attacked and they died" The reason behind this would be the fact that the main protagonist unlike in other books seems to have no threats anywhere near the start of this series. He comes out the gate being able to one shot B rank monsters making it odd.

Most of these kinds of books are written so the main character is always on a power struggle to advance and because of their limitless potential they somehow always narrowly escape. That did not seem to be the case in this book and after dragging through the first volume where he pretty much one shots everything I highly doubt I will continue on.

Not to say that this is a bad style of writing but to me if you are going to spend forever explaining the combat skills I at least want them used instead of "Ya I would rather not see anyone suffer that so I will seal that away" or learn a bunch of things to one shot the boss with a single skill leaving other things never used as minions stop attacking.

For me it seems off to be detailed in this fashion, where I get a bunch of pointless background details but when it comes to talking and especially action everything is over so quickly with no substance. The reason for a 6 is finally towards the end of the first book it seemed to be getting interesting. So there is potential but it certainly did not hook me from the start.
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
Manga is good & so the anime is, but when it comes to light novel which the series will be following, my opinion will change. Till now Manga & the anime has not shown any point which can be a counted as down-point, but as the story will continue it'll show in the future. Both anime & manga will follow light novel as those will serve as the source. I read till 8th volume of the light novel, i didn't read it after that, so yeah I'll also be taking that into consideration.
Light novel as good till the point of 7th volume, after that it just becomes so easy going with the MC being so lenient against his status that he is not content with how those having low status than him address him. OK, simply it can be said that it just doesn't have that robustness when people address to the MC, & he just leniently goes along.
There were many parts which could've been different & also it could've changed the story into a whole different story, but it just goes like all those shows-"oh we're all friends" or "lets be friends". The whole story just goes into a different direction when things like these just goes wild into story. For eg. have you seen a demon lord casually talking to the servant of another demon lord, I'm not considering the fact that both are from the same world, because its a different world.
As the story moves forward, the MC just becomes so lenient that its just frustrating that this story doesn't have that thing, otherwise i would've seriously considered it as a top notch pick. The leniency as the part of character is OK till some point, but seriously the story & the whole things loses its places when the MC is so lenient that he allows himself to be declared as beaten by Hinata Sakaguchi, even though he won, points like also shows the that it just could've gone into a totally different scenario, if only the MC could've been more rational & also it would've been more interesting that way. Forming Alliance is a different thing, but being declared as defeated is seriously a different matter.
Also while negotiating, the things could've been a bit different. Serving well, showing courtesy to extreme level, Being declared as the loser in the fight against hinata & seriously there are more things which were seriously not needed. Holy crusaders(normal soldiers) talking with a Demon Lord with the reference of "dono". Like seriously?
As i read further it just motivated me to drop the Light Novel. As the manga & the anime will follow on its route, I'm dishearten that actually a story with this much potential will go down. Of course there are people who just likes it, but for me the things of leniency just kills it.
So basically the story & plot both are actually worth listening & reading to & it had quite potential. but that leniency part got me.
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
I heard a lot of the anime from Anitubers so i gave i try one day and i got completely hooked to the story,it follows the same formula for DrStone and the character dynamics is just great to watch on par with Konosuba for me the character interaction is fan service for me,with those characters the emotional scenes has more effect ,the mystery characters help build the world and some of them has more depth even if your familiar with them but even if the characters is well written but some of them arent flesh out like for Ex. Hakurou why is so strong and whats the history behind the Ogres that live in the Jura Forest well at least for the manga rn it has chp 77

so for the story:in the early parts of the series i admit some character are forgettable like the gpblin executives(the other goblin lords help Rigurd for maintaining the country)the story in the first half is a bit simple with a proper goal and slow,the GOOD stuff starts after the anime its honestly surprised me the tone of the story shift drastically to light hearted to dark very fast but after the arc the story became darker permanently story wise some parts is kinda cheezy like how some side characters seem unrealistic or their decision doesnt make sense

art wise for me when i watched the anime it got me hooked so i read the manga and end up catching up to it the art for me first looked weird and slightly different from the anime but now i think the manga is better than the anime some scenes are cut as well so i think reading the manga first is better

i just made this trashy review cuz i want to show how i love this series btw this is my first review i just enjoyed this series so much and i should really be reading the LN now cuz the manga is monthly and i cant wait the anime is also 45 days from now
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
So far I've read 26 chapters and my opinion is as follows: This seems to be a rather generic isekai, fantasy story.

The main hook of the story is the fact that the MC is reincarnated as a slime. Which is interesting for the first 10 or so chapters, but not so much after. Once the novelty of this idea is gone you are left with a middle of the road fantasy story. I mean it is entertaining while it lasts, I give it that, but it doesn't last that long. Moreover, sometimes they go a little overboard with how OP the main hero is, they don't do it often, but when they do, it is frankly ridiculous.The pace could improve a little too. I give props where it's due however, at least they didn't go for a harem, so we managed to avoid that genre trapping.

My biggest problem with the manga is the utter lack of interesting characters. The MC is as interesting as these overpowered, wish-fulfilling heroes go, fine, but I can not understand why the side characters are so bland. When I was trying to remember off the top of my head any notable side character I couldn't come up with anything. The Oni came to mind, but even in their case, I remember them more as a group rather than individuals. It's not that they are cliche, but that they are not even that, their characterization is almost non-existent. I was willing to give this a pass at the beginning because of the "I became a slime" thing was genuinely interesting, but as that started to run out of steam, it became more and more of an apparent problem.

I was strongly considering giving the manga an overall 5, due to its weak characters and lackluster plot, but since this was just the beginning of the story and it was consistently entertaining, I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, and a weaker 6. However, if the story doesn't give the characters some personality or pick up the pace significantly in the near future I will drop the manga.
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
- Reborn to another world.. checked
- OP/cheat starter skill.. checked
- cool looking protagonist.. Hell no

Back then when I first read this manga, I think of this as weird, unusual way to tell another world story. I mean it's fuckin slime, we talk about here. It started funny, but after few chapters, I grew fond of that slime. Sure, the main character has OP skill right from the start, but he don't act all high and mighty, neither trying to look cool or abuse his power. So, instead of getting sick of it, I started to liking the slime.

The story itself started adventure-like when the world introduced to us. There are a lot of races of monsters he met, as well as human. What make this interesting is, how he is underestimated greatly at first but he keep prove them wrong. I really like that kind of character development. He venture, he learn, make allies, utilize his ability to the fullest. The plot thickens at some point, the real danger coming and then he is forced to make decisions and take responsibility.

Some of us, including me might think that the main character will stay strongest forever. But that's not the case at all. Soon the slime would realize that he can't rely on his skill only and use his own wit to solve the problems at hand. We could say, the operator is more important than the ability itself.

This manga is still ongoing (chapter 35 when I write this review), and I can tell that there are a lot more story to tell. Greatly recommended.
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review
Well, I first read the manga, then I went directly to the webnovels and read everything available, and I must admit, I was quite hyped. For those thinking on starting it, let this be said: MC is OP, and so are his servants, yup, if you are expecting him to struggle, that will be kinda rare.

Think about it like in DBZ, how can he get even stronger? Well, he gets stronger, can he get even stronger? Yup, is he the strongest? The strongest demons, dragons and the Hero are still stronger, well, all important characters get kinda broken skills anyway... Think Predator and Great Sage are OP, pfff.

World rules:

As expected of the isekai genre, there are a few RPG typical rules here: Power boosted Master also power boosts servants, at the beginning, it almost feels like Pokemon in regards to species evolution, yet even with such a powerful "possible military force", MC is quite the peaceful guy who helps everyone and wants to build a country to laze around.

Another fact of this world is that summoned people are not really rare, there are many of them around, unlike Rimuru who was killed and ended up reincarnating, these summoned ones are actually intentionally summoned, so they remain human and everyone has their own unique skills and more powerful bodies compared to normal people, if you know Log Horizon, compare "Adventures" with "People of the Land" levels of difference.

Unique points:

As many stories have, there are usually some key characters that change the hero into something more noble, and the one here is quite touching, both in a happy and sad way, something I find very rare for stories of the isekai genre

I also found it to have a very unique way in expressing the sense of loyalty from the servants: Some are grateful for being helped by him and wants to be useful back, some feels like they would be discarding their own honor in submitting themselves, just to soon feeling admired and honored to be under him, even the ones that feels like they could go crazy anytime soon and rebel end up with quite a natural admiration towards him.

And while this is more about the webnovel, there are some really fast battles, thanks to the OP level of the many characters, even fights that would seem to drag on end up getting insta-finished simply because the enemy wasn't aware of the newer upgrades of MC's Servants, which is nice both for not having useless dragging out filler and skipping overall irrelevant battles, the reactions of both enemies and friends are quite nice too, reminded me of Mr Satan on Cell Games when he wasn't trying to explain and was just confused at everything.

He is usually also well prepared for battles, so if he knows the enemy special abilities, he will not take the wrong servants with him, this avoids the typical "You activated my trap card" of the enemy and dragging the battle more, though that can't be said for non-Rimuru battles

Overall, at first I compared it with Overlord, which I read the manga up until the Lizardmen arc as of now, and in comparison, I significantly prefer Rimuru's way of "conquering", which is done with humility, mutual understanding and some paranoic levels of security when compared to Momonga/Ainz, who wouldn't mind a massacre to let one of his "children" to grow...

Well, kinda...

Also, Wisdom Lord Raphael best Waifu!
Mar 31, 2021
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken review

So I've been seeing comments about the main being too OP, its boring to watch OP character and others, etc. As a reader of the light novel, I'd like to assure you that the journey have not even start yet as of chp 47. I can assure you guys it wont be easy for rimuru(main), coz the villain is also not that easy, he's on par w/ our main ( SPOILER haha). Its true that currently the story is kinda boring with main OPness but I think right now is only the foundation for the next arc, and I truly hope you guys watch at least until the 100ish chp before further putting this anime as "Generic ISEKAI" if its what you guys want

yes Im biased, I know. but I truly feel that this story is interesting enough to not be put to the category of "general isekai stuff"

btw why I like this story :
- interesting plot of country making
- light hearted and not much dark story
- (*SPOILER*) interesting way that put 'otherworlders'
- we can actually see the growth of each character especially those who are close to our main later on
- I can see a lot of potential how this story can be developed, sadly not anymore for LN

what I dislike :
-start slow
-maybe a little too light hearted, too much fun or random moment(could be positive)
-not action focused, more world building rather than action
- Main at first seem too OP, and will still be OP. (but it is balanced, so its ok)
-because above reason, it can be boring, I just want to skip some part or arc

Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Auteur Mitz Vah
Artiste --