Les critiques de livres

Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
!!Possible small spoilers!!

I've been with this series for 4 years now. First introduced via the first season of the anime in 2014 and quickly afterwards jumped onto the manga. The series as a whole has a special place in my life every Monday I'd anticipate happily because a new chapter was about to release. It made Mondays that little bit better.

The first manga was great, truly a wonder to read with Ishida's beautiful art style and watercolour coloured pages, as well as a rich and vibrant world with clues and hints of deeper meanings, sprinkle throughout. The series also commanded a large cast of great characters, Kaneki, Touka, Arima, Eto, Yomo, Uta, Furuta, Marude, Ayato, Akira, Amon, Suzuya etc etc etc.

TG:Re in the beginning only built on that starting us off 2 years after the events of part 1 with a new cast of characters all with their own charm. Slowly things were revealed that only made the experience better. The first 86 chapters of Tokyo Ghoul:Re I would consider a masterpiece, on par with the likes of Berserk and Vagabond. Ishida put so much work into the manga in those chapters and it paid off.

However, the story declined in quality after those 86 chapters of :Re We still had amazing chapters like 125 and 146 as well as a dozen other truly great chapters, but those great chapters were mixed in and overshadowed by mediocre chapters and that continued on until the end.

The Dragon Arc whilst like I mentioned had a lot of great chapters suffered heavily due to the pace that Ishida set. Everything sped up and in those last 20-30 chapters, it felt incredibly rushed, like Ishida just wanted to finish it. Which I understand it's been 7 years of work for Ishida with very few breaks I'm surprised he was able to put out such great work for so long without any major illnesses.

The last chapter felt like a kick in the gut, I'm happy with how things turned out for a lot of the characters but the way it was presented in this last chapter wasn't good. It felt like a fanfic, so much exposition just piled into 36 pages. Even with so much stuff shovelled into an extended chapter we are still left with questions about certain plot points and some characters.

I don't know why Ishida chose to end it so quickly. The story would have done well to have had 30 more chapters to pace out the ending properly. The only thing I can think of is that Ishida was tired and wanted to end his story and instead of taking a break and possibly screwing up the flow of the story for fans for xx number of months decided to push hard to get it finished as fast as he possibly could. I don't think he intended to the story to end in such a shoddy manner I think he loves his story and his fans but after 7 years he couldn't do it anymore and decided to get us to the end no matter the cost.

In closing, TG and TG:Re are fantastic mangas that are well worth reading, the manga and Ishida made me look at the world and myself in a different way and really made a positive impact in my life so I'm grateful for Ishida and his story and I'll continue to read and to love it for the rest of my days and I think others will as well.

So thank you Ishida, Here's to you.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
Re is the continuation, or the sequel, of tokoyo ghoul. Having been a long time fan of the series as a whole, I now like to view tokoyo ghoul as the prequel to Re. When you view the former as the backstory for Kenaki, you can see just how Re stands alone as a very separate and tragic story. That said, if you havent read TG, I obviously recommend it but dont think it is entirely required.

Re:, like TG, is at its core a study in tragic characters. Ishida is very clearly a lover of literature, and it reflects in every single panel of the series. That said, the strongest aspect of both TG and Re: are its characters, their development, and how they shape and are shaped by the plot. The action is just a backdrop or an added element of emotional turmoil. Thus, if a heavily character driven series is not for you, I recommend looking elsewhere.

This series is also a downer. There are few moments of happiness for any of the characters involved, and they’re almost always interlaced with a baseline amount of suffering. The last page of TG’s first chapter calls the series a tragedy, and it is. So again, if this isn’t your thing do look elsewhere (I personally had to take a break from the series for a while because it can be A Lot).

Re in particular features much better writing than TG, or so it seemed to me. The battles were significantly easier to follow, and the pacing was much quicker. More stuff also /happened/ in general, which is part of the reason I think of TG as a prequel. TG is much more character orientated, while Re has more plot and movement.

Overall, I cannot praise Ishida enough for what he did with the series. Is every single moment top notch writing? No. Do I agree with every move he made? No. Can his throw backs to the uni psychology classes he clearly took come off as heavy handed at times? Absolutely.

But for the medium, he did an incredible job of telling a well-rounded, interesting, and thoughtful story. He fleshed out characters incredibly well and clearly had a vision for his creations. I admire that, and will very likely consider the series my favorite manga for a very, very long time.

Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
«I’ll say as many times as takes for you to hear it. It may not be stylish, but… LIVE»
Kaneki Ken, «Tokyo Ghoul :re»

*Spoiler free*

Tokyo Ghoul series hold a special place in my heart. I’ve been reading it since 2014 and strangely relatable struggles of main character helped me to overcome some real life difficulties.. Fortunatly they were much less dramatic. Nevertheless I had a strange relationships with sequel-manga Tokyo Ghoul :re. When it ended I thought it was very confusing read. Inconsistent art, especially in the second half, bloated cast with so many interesting characters got sidelined, sometimes strange pacing and convoluted plot with many important points just briefly mentioned or even remained to readers imagination. It certainly was not the kind of sequel I expected from tragedy of the first manga. Recently I made a reread and give some deeper thought to all the different aspects. While most of previous criticism is still pretty solid, now I think :re is actually amazing manga with great ambition to it and some interesting ideas.

Story: 8

First of all, I think to really appreciate Ishida’s work we need to understand one fundamental difference between two manga’s. Although :re is direct sequel, it’s very different story in tone and manner of exploring same themes. It’s not a tragedy, not a heroic epic – these are just some narratives that different characters try to apply furthermore metanarrative is takes a big role in manga. Real genre of the sequel, as cheesy as it sounds is very dark satire with strong existential message about living in chaotic world. Also it has more objective point of view, while first part was very subjective journey, so we have more perspectives and less characters inner monologues.

There is always a second layer to episode and strong sense of irony underneath. Many intended parallels with original help to highlight differences in tone and also gives us additional context to episodes. For examples, where in original we have a pathos showdown between two idealistic heroes, sequel gives you two broken and brainwashed soldiers that simply seek some meaning in their absurd existence. In the second half satiric nature becomes even more apparent, as main antagonist with his group take big entrance. This bunch excels at crack jokes and pinpointing some absurd aspects of TG societyl. There is strong Orwellian vibe in social commentary and some references to Clockwork Orange that ads a certain aesthetic to institutional violence. Basically further manga goes – the more obvious becomes contrast between superficial story pathos and deep rooted irony. In the end we have almost biblical scene that becomes completely absurd if we give a second thought to true nature of participants. This sense of absurd is similar to the kind you can find in Franz Kafka’s novels – needless to say, one of main inspirations behind the series. Random events become elements in long-running schemes or stay random, but entertaining. Whatever appears as pure white vs pure black conflict it is actually pretty gray with human, yet controversial choices from characters. All of it doesn’t take away emotional episodes (in fact, best characters moments often comes from sequel), but gives a lot of more space for different interpretations dependent on your personal worldview. On the other hand author concern with keeping parallels apparent so concrete chapter of sequel can match concrete chapter of original sometimes result in rushing things through and doesn’t work as good, as it was in ongoing.

Character: 9

Unfortunately, with increasing plot scale many characters got sidelined, yet there are many new interesting characters and some of old ones got amazing development in sequel. Main character was initially deconstruction of sacrificial-type MC, but sequel goes even further and deconstructs Kaneki from original with all of his catchphrases and signature features such as changing hair color in the most stressful situations. He becomes a modern Don Quixote, someone with great need for attention and having a meaning in life. You can certainly despise him for some choices and lack of straightforward development, but also admiring for psychological complexity and many nuances given. As much Kaneki is tricky character, main antagonist can hold a candle with his greatly entertaining troll persona and complex conflict behind it. You actually need to think to understand his motivation and actions, otherwise there is risk to fall in trap with meme keikaku wannabe. Deuteragonist is also there to balance Kaneki with more obvious development and simpler story in terms of entertaining. Well, there is all kind of different characters, most of them will have their chance to shine (sadly not all them), because one thing Ishida definitely excels of – is exploring different types of psychic. With help of parallels (context) and symbolism author give a lot of different mini-stories about relationships between parent and child, friendship, love, duty, raison d’etre and will to live. Ishida doesn’t tell you right answer and allows reader to find their own truth based on many different choices made by his characters.

Art and symbolism: 8

Art sometimes can be very sketchy and some action scenes are hard to understand, but then Ishida actually tries and this happening fairly often, picture becomes mesmerizing. Characters and monsters design is mostly simple, yet very stylish and his strong suit is definitely conveying emotions, especially all shades of melancholy and madness.

Another important aspect that deserves a separate paragraph is author usage of symbolism – it’s great significance and variety is one series distinguish features. There are many usage of Taros Arcana besides occasional numbers on characters, for example backbone of Kaneki and story development is Taro Fools Journey. A lot of context and rhymes thanks to deep web of parallels, adding “re” prefixes to chapters names, different mythological and literature references from the Holy Bible and Alice in Wonderland to Franz Kafka and Hermann Hesse, different symbolical flowers, moth and centipedes «metamorphosis» leitmotif, chess pattern to highlight gamey nature of main conflict, strong meta aspect with characters openly playing different roles and trying to create their own narratives – postmodern nature in TG strong as it ever was in manga.

Enjoyment: 7.5

In the end vast usage of bathos can be tiring and :re certainly lost some potential from the first manga, even ruined original somewhere retroactively, but it also give so much more to it, things I didn’t even imagine it would. Love or hate it, you will probably find your reading interesting and maybe even reread it later.

Overall: 8

What is Tragedy? It simply is a goat song.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
Kindly skip the next 2 paragraphs of my history with manga and anime if you're not interested in that kind of crap.

Well, this is my first review ever, and it just so happens to be about the first manga I ever read (yeah, I read this before reading the first "Tokyo Ghoul" manga, yeah, I know, Crime very much), I guess I'll start off by saying this.

Ofcourse as my first manga read, I absolutely loved it, in my mind it was a masterpiece, and to this day it's still my number 1 (talking about the whole Tokyo Ghoul manga series). It's no surprise that it left a big mark in my heart and became a momento of manga for me, with all that said, I guess it's time for the ACTUAL review and not just my history with this manga.


If you haven't read the manga (wut u doing stupid boi?), you have probably already read the synopsis and came here to read reviews to see if it's worth reading. Or you've already read the manga, and came here to see what people have to say, in any case, you should know that this manga has got it all, it's got the action, it's got that supernatural sh*t, it's got the best waifu, it's got them sex scenes (well, just one), it's got them big plot twists, in other words, it's perfect.
Really well designed characters? IT'S GOT IT!
Well thought through plot twists and story? IT'S GOT THAT! WHO CARES IF WE DON'T KNOW HOW HIDE SURVIVED!
You want some romantic lovey DOVEy stuff? IT'S GOT THAT!
Anyways, if you haven't read it, and are still reading this, go ahead and start now! You do that, while I'm gonna talk about my experiences with this manga.

I loved the story all the way through, being familiar with the first "Tokyo Ghoul" manga, we get to see how Kaneki went from human to ghoul and how his life changed in various ways, and in this particular manga we monitor how he manages on the "other side", the side of the ghoul investigators, a.k.a "Doves".
I basically loved everything about this manga, the art, the characters, the plots, the romance (especially the love scene), everything. As I was reading, I always knew that with every page I read, I was one page closer to the end, and what I hated the most was that even though I knew all that, I couldn't stop myself, after every chapter I found myself craving for more and more, until it hit me, the sad reality of that all good things come to an end. It's both sad and relieving that the story of Ken Kaneki came to an end. It's sad because the roller coaster of emotions ended, it's a bit relieving because now I can finally sleep and also the fact that, whatever happens after the "happy end" is all up to our imagination.

It truly is sad that Tokyo Ghoul is now just a memory, I'm just happy that it's a wonderful memory full of emotions and 0 regret.
I'm sorry for writing mostly about the whole of Tokyo Ghoul instead of only Tokyo Ghoul:re, it IS my first review so please go easy on me. :)
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
Ishida's predictions of a tragic end drove him into a corner.He's trying way too hard to create a tragic story,but at the same time he doesn't want to end his work so he can continue to grab cash.He keeps characters alive after near death situation(he even is bringing back from life the ones that we thought were dead for almost 200 chapters).His writing has improved(maybe that's just my impression),but the plot of his story is as weak as it can get,but i believe that he can suprise me and get the plot even weaker.The only tragic thing that will come with this manga it's your disappointment.

Story(2/10):Literally went to shit,there are as many plot holes as litres of blood kaneki had lost from the first manga until the newest chapter of :re.

Art(8/10):I can see that there is a lot of work put into the details in art,if he would first think the goddam plot and then worry about the art.But what can i say,i like the style.

Caracter(6/10):There's character development here and there,but he's too lazy to evolve the character's mentality based on recent events in story so he doesn't really try to change them over the course of his chapters,he puts some flashbacks and then doesn't really care about that character anymore.And discussing Kaneki,Ishida just keeps changing him randomly and during the fights he becomes the mad ghoul or some shit,then again change in mentality,Kaneki has like 100 personalities and slowly gaining more,maybe this is just a meme to Pokemon,you know:"Gotta catch 'em all" personalities.

Enjoyment(4/10):I kind of enjoyed it in the beginning,but it was hard trying to relate to Sasaki,then it all turns into your basic good guys vs bad guys movie,but with the bonus of seeing kaneki being defeated in different ways Ishida testing his edgy mind(trying too hard to make sick shit).I dropped it at 147,the story was so anticlimactic that i couldn't bring myself to waste my time anymore,i have better shit to do.

Overall(3/10):You may think that (2+8+6+4)/4 isn't 3,well it isn't,but this is the score i think it deserves,the story was what really kept me reading this manga,but then the mangaka turned it in a pile of shit.

If you've read the first manga and you want more,you're my guest,but i warn you that the disappointment that comes with the latest chapters isn't worth your time,better try another manga or smth,try to remember tokyo ghoul as what it was in the first season.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
Story: 6/10

Basically the story continued after a 3 year time lapse, Kaneki Ken became Haise Sasaki, a ghoul investigator and that's the only thing that they keep focusing on. He basically became more annoying than he originally was.

But the manga is still ongoing and I'm planning to give it more chance to grow, and maybe, just maybe it can bring back some of the good points the original manga gave us.

And there is definitely just too much angst towards ghoul. None has even tried to find a cure on whatever they had what made them a ghoul, what is a ghoul where do they come from?, or find the real source of the problem. It's just kill or be killed. What the hell?!

Art: 10/10

The art is as beautiful as always. No doubt about that.

Character: 4/10

In the original manga, Kaneki's character was growing on me and I was beginning to like it, but I definitely dont like Sasaki Haise. So far, I've seen his previous friends from Anteiku tried to protect him, they supported him by letting him live his life however he choose it. Tsukiyama was the only one who so far in the recent chapter gave up on Kaneki, and I loved that bit.

"You see, Mr. Sasaki I dont know you."

Enjoyment: 4/10

I do not enjoy this manga at all. Every single time I force myself to read the new chapters my heart throbs in pain. It is giving me pain, and I am probably a masochist for still reading it, but I just don't want to abandon Amon, cause I still believe that they will somehow, tell what really happened the day the CG attacked Anteiku.

Overall: 5/10
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
As you can tell from my profile, I'm a pretty big fan of Tokyo Ghoul. That said, this review is going to be as honest as possible, and I'll be letting my personal feelings towards to the series aside for this review.

Story: 8/10
:re is the continuation of Kaneki's path to tragedy. The beginning of :re nicely parallels the events of the first, but on the other side of the equation. We learn that war has no victors, only victims. Once that viewpoint is established, we continue to follow Kaneki as he tries to seek for an answer to this situation.

At the same time, we learn about some shocking twists behind the truth of CCG, as well as some of the ghoul organisations. To me, this was probably the pinnacle of Ishida's writing. It was strongly delivered, and it sought to convey how while there were two sides, people, or morals, could never be cleanly separated. This part sought to show the grey areas, that further provoke thought. Who's right then, and who's wrong?

Then, the story moved on towards reunion. A common enemy is established, and that pushes those who were once at each other's throats to come together. Kaneki tries, and fails, and tries, and fails. That's reality. It's painful, but real.

The ending gives closure to the events. Everyone has found a way of compromise, things have changed for the better, for the most part. Kaneki received the happiness he deserved. He persevered, he learned, he loved, he was loved. He protected the people he wished to save.

I do think the ending was a little weak, but in the grand scheme of things, for a theme as heavy as this, and seeing similar mangas with similar themes, this closure is probably the most satisfactory one. Why? Well that's simple--- there's simply no way Ishida or any writer could ever have a say in giving a proper conclusion to which side was necessarily right or wrong. It goes on in cycles. That's life.

I do really praise in Ishida's style of writing. His references to books, to quotes, as well as scientific explanations, and symbolism made the manga so much more interesting. I respect him in his immense talent for writing in that way.

Art 8/10
Simply because I have never seen anyone draw with such a style in manga. It takes a lot of ink to print so many black pages (laughs). Okay but in all seriousness, some of his panelling work have evoked tears in my eyes. Arima's death scene, the ticking clocks of Kanae, the Torii gates, the butterflies, combined with his art, have created iconic scenes that would be deeply ingrained my memory for being so visually impactful.

That said, I do understand that some action sequences were hard to read and decipher, perhaps due to his sketchy style. Give it a few times of read, it's not something to be overlooked, but I also do think that there are other things to praise his art about.

Also, his style has grown so much over the years. I do also think his illustrations are spectacular, and so fitting for TG. If you haven't read zakki, I suggest you buy that book, because it's amazing.

Character 10/10
Do I even need to explain? It's just darn good characters. Kaneki is such a great protagonist, not only because he starts off weak and learns and grows strong, but also because his self criticisms and recounts are so vividly real that one can't help but see themselves in him. Kaneki is a fictional character, his many changes in appearances, to me, are just iconic ways to benchmark how different experiences changes our perceptions, our personalities, as we continue to live.

As for the other characters, they have such an important effect on Kaneki, they can't be disregarded either. Hide, Touka, Arima, Eto, Hinami, Tsukiyama, to name a few, are important relationships that Kaneki has formed that has shaped his life. Without them, Kaneki wouldn't grow to be the same Kaneki. That's true to life too. You are very much shaped by the kinds of friends and relationships you make in your life. Not only that, these character intermingle with one another in interesting parallels too. Ishida manages to give depth to majority of his characters, which is a hard thing to do.

Enjoyment 10/10
Waiting for the release of this chapter throughout the past years have been the highlight of my week. Yes, some of these chapters have been painful, I've shed tears of sadness, tears of joy, gasped of horror, but the series has claimed a special place in my heart.

I think the online community also played a strong part in making me love the series. I enjoyed reading theories that were very much valid and well thought out, I enjoyed looking at art made by people, and contributing to discussions. As an artist myself, I enjoyed drawing these characters, and I enjoyed seeing Ishida be silly on Twitter. :re has given me the opportunity to engage with an online community, and like Kaneki, form new relationships and friendships that I really appreciate and learned to love. For that, I owe my life to this series. Thank you Ishida.

Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
Tokyo Ghoul:re, the direct sequel to the first series of Sui Ishida, still puts us inside a dystopian world, which stress the conflicting relationships between most of the different characters, dividing into few sides, as opposed to the overly happy moments you read in some other series.

Story: 7/10

The story itself is quite rich, even though some stuff have yet to be explored deeper, which the author will surely do later on. On a one hand, we got these characters' development (be it drastic or mental growth...) that have more or less an impact on how their surroundings perceive them. On the other hand, recurrent themes such as egocentrism (CCG), revolution (Aogiri Tree), the masks/one's different faces (Souta a.k.a Nimura Furuta, Eto, Akihiro Kanou...) are subtly depicted. This just shows how hard trust is granted and only caring about reaching a certain goal at the expense of the others, the ego dominating. Eventually, some key characters' past help us in understanding them, and the fights are worth seeing as ever.

Art: 9/10

When I'm gazing at the images drawn by Ishida, I feel like there is always a tense atmosphere, or that there is an inquietude, a more sinister intention, true thoughts concealed behind one's face, even if it's not always the case. You can't help thinking there is something more vicious, horrific coming in these kind of situations. However, for some others, it can also suggest a much softer side, the realization of something that triggered it after the time's flow. (the Kirishimas, Nishiki, Tsukiyama...).

Characters: 10/10

As I said earlier, the central characters' background contribute to the comprehension of them: why do they behave like that? Why do they act that way? Why do they resort to such methods? Etc... Whether it's Haise Sasaki, Kuki Urie, Eto or even Seidou Takizawa, they each have an unique growth to them (for the worse or for the best, who knows?) and from what they earned their current way of thinking. There is always a tragic event or at least, one that has enough impact to trigger a shift in who they are, as opposed to what we used to think about them.

Enjoyment: 9/10

As I read Tokyo Ghoul and its sequel, there is one obvious thing I can tell: it may be typical of a seinen but it shows you a harsh and yet realistic point of view reflecting the world as it is with the Ghouls' (depressive may be a bit too much that being said). Really great when you don't want to end up as someone who is prisoner of an endless illusion and refusing to get out of it. Righteousness is seriously questioning on both sides in this manga.

Overall: 8/10

I am looking forward to the next chapters of Tokyo Ghoul:re and wondering how Ishida will depict the future events. I have no doubts that the manga will not sink in the negativity of darkness.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
This review comes after having just finished :Re myself after hearing a cavalcade of general backlash and dislike against it, so allow me to start with the conclusion:

Give this series a chance. Read it like the conversation the series' protagonists fight to produce and meet it at its word rather than at the expectations you may or may not set for it.

Now, to be more specific...

At its worst :Re is occasionally crippled by difficult to track plot lines that intersect maybe a bit too much for their own good, but at its best it's an excellent meditation on the appeal of anti-heroism, tragedy, and nihilism.

:Re's artwork follows a lot of the more experimental and ethereal work of the original manga's conclusion - in many ways experimenting even further with its use of almost sketch-like illustrations throughout. And whilst its artwork was unsurprisingly an excellent continuation of the original series', its characters exceeded my expectations despite the already stellar cast of the original; their fun, exceptionally well explored, and larger-than-life personalities make them a natural fit for Tokyo Ghoul's expanding universe, and the way they bounce off of pre-existing characters is just as natural.

If your fear is quality, then I can assure you that should be the least of your worries going into the series. :Re is Tokyo Ghoul 2 in that respect; an effective continuation of the previous series' successful artistic efforts and styles of character writing. What isn't so similar however is the story's overall direction.

The original Tokyo Ghoul sets a clear expectation; "My life is a tragedy" are its opening lines and, as many of you reading a review for its sequel are likely to know, that tragedy was in many ways fulfilled by the conclusion. In that sense I can understand a dislike of :Re with that expectation in mind, as Tokyo Ghoul :Re is in many ways a narrative designed to deconstruct Tokyo Ghoul. Rather than sitting upon the throne of its original series' conclusion, it challenges said conclusion with a series of twists that - whilst admittedly coming across initially as out-of-left-field or in some way jumping-the-shark - when seen in the wider context of the story that :Re (and in many ways its predecessor) is telling, they function more as direct criticisms of the attitudes of the characters involved and the expectations their perspectives set up for the reader.

In short, Sui Ishida isn't afraid to tell his audience they were wrong, and :Re in many ways feels like a bite back at the nihilism that the original series produced. Despite hearing complaints of a rushed ending the story concludes at a comfortable pace with practically every plot line completed or otherwise addressed.

Tokyo Ghoul is a tragedy, but it's equally anti-tragedy, and dismissing :Re on the basis of it not being sad enough or otherwise subverting the expectations of an otherwise depressing story is less an issue of the work itself as much as the expectations those reading it came to it seeking to fulfill.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
I've never written a review in my life so don't expect much from it. I've read the first 14 of tokyo ghoul and of course re. Man what an experience it was! I want to cover both manga series because I'm lazy to write two reviews haha. I''ve only watched the first anime season of tokyo ghoul so I don't know anything about the anime.

The first 14 volumes were better then the sequel re. Yes I mean that. It's because the story itself and the characters are very clear in the whole series. In re it was for the first 6 volumes very confusing why kaneki turned out like that. The first 6 of Re where very slow paced. I'm used to that so I didn't mind, but I can imagine for that reason people don't give this series a high raking. What I also found confusing in re was that there where alot of characters that popped out of nowhere without much reason to be in the story (certainly in the beginning). I did'nt liked that at times. But overall I really enjoyed the whole series and I'm really glad I finally found the motivation to read this. Most things in the manga where well explained after the first 6 volumes and I did'nt expect some things that happend and I really loved that. So I give it a 9 for enjoyment , but if I would rate it more critically then I would say 7 because of the first 6 volumes and the ending that was a bit rushed sadly, but personally I don't mind that for now.

I loved the art in the manga because it makes it more horror like. That suits the serie well imo.

I would recommend this manga series, but only if you like gore, horror, thriller stuff and if you don't mind it being slow paced.

I hope that this review helps!
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
Warning: this review contains minor spoilers.

First impressions, so one of my favorite manga continues, which I am happy for because the ending was such a cliffhanger and I want to see where the story goes from there because I was very hooked.

Story: 7/10
2 years after the raid of the 20th ward the CCG decides it's time to deploy a new type of anti-ghoul weapon in order to combat the ever present threat of the ghoul terrorist organization known as Aogiri Tree, who continue to terrorize ghouls and more importantly the human population of Tokyo. This new type of anti-ghoul weapon is known as the QS children, a group of individuals who have been implanted with quinque throughout their body, giving them amazing abilities. Unfortunately though, these individuals are fresh out of the academy and don't have the combat skills or experience necessary to even stand a chance against a single regular ghoul. The solution the CCG has comes up with to deal with this problem is to deploy a mentor figure, named Haise Sasaki(Kaneki with memory loss) to guide and train them to become the ultimate killing machines. while in the background, Haise seeks answers about his past, while in the shadows the ghoul world and life he once had start creeping ever closer into his new life.
The first half of Tokyo Ghoul Re is mostly Haise and his merry band of idiots doing missions for the CCG, while occasionally encountering figures from his past, with a fairly large amount of focus being given to the people who work in the CCG and what their lives entail. It’s only around 50-ish chapters in, after Haise goes on some missions and some events take place that during a raid he’s able to get his memory back and become Kaneki+. To follow up, a jailbreak, a rescue mission and fight with Arima, Haise’s mentor and father figure insue. This is honestly the only thing that kept me interested in Kaneki’s neo-edgelord phase, the ever so hyped Kaneki vs Arima rematch. Well, that and the anticipation of what Eto will do next. Fortunately, this is the part of the series where it really gets going. The second half of Re is probably the part where my intrigue was at an all time high, as it heavily involved the long standing series’ mysteries. Even better, these mysteries heavily pertained to the identity of the one eyed King, V and the Washu clan, most of these mysteries get explained in a satisfactory manner. He takes on the title of the one eyed King in order to build a world where both humans and ghouls and live in peace And honestly it really interesting to see Kaneki put in the leadership role. And the trials and errors he goes through while taking the path of leading what is essentially a terrorist organization comprised of ghouls and former CCG members. Which is interesting and funny to watch when you consider the fact that most of the people that are in this terrorist organization are people who originally at one point would try kill each other.
Tokyo Ghoul Re like its predecessor is still heavy focused on this social political conflict between humans and ghouls, the difference being that Re is much more focused(at least in the beginning) on depicting the human characters’ point of view. while the original did show both the ghoul and the human side viewpoints. Re goes for a more personal take and focuses more of the individual characters from both the ghoul and human side and how they react and feel about this conflict. Which I feel makes the conflict it's feel more morality gray. Because we have both ghoul and human characters who deep down don't want to fight in this war and actually regret the actions and lives they have taken but have to continue doing it because the world is still stuck in this fucked up cycle of death, hate and despair.
Something thing which I think is interesting is that it parallels a lot of the key events in the original manga but puts a spin on it so it isn't predictable. But at the same time you kinda guess what's going to happen. Now one problem I had with the original manga is that even though it was building up these multiple mysteries and this epic level government conspiracy in it narrative to make the story more interesting. But because of the very sudden ending of series. It opened up a lot of plots holes and honestly it made me and probably most people for that matter scratching their heads wondering what the fuck is going on. Because there quite a few scenes and dialogue in that series that make no sense because you don't know where to put it In terms of context, like for example why exactly is rize so important to so many people if all she ever did was being used to turn Kaneki and a few others into half ghouls. Thankfully Tokyo Ghoul Re actually explores and explains a lot of what originally didn't make sense. Like what I mentioned before like why is Rize so important or what exactly are the Washu clan hiding from people. Which is great because it removes a lot of plots holes and a few problems I had with the original series before. But even if we get these answers and etc it's still opens up more plots holes for re and If anything, leave me with more questions than answers. Like it cool that's there these mysteries going on and a lot more world building is taking place to flesh out the setting more, and it's shows that we as the reader have only scratch the surface of this world and that there is more to explore. But does it really need to drag it out for this long for the sake for building up hype and selling more manga volumes
There’s also a bigger focus on the series’ romance and slice of life aspects, which adds more flavor to the character interactions and improves on one my problems with the original. That being that there weren’t enough cool-down moments to allow me to care about most of characters. I feel like some of romance parts are a little rushed, mainly between Kaneki and Touka, as even though they’ve known each other for quite a while, their relationship progresses at an unreasonably rapid pace. Now while I like this kinda relationship, I wish they padded it out more. But it was also pointed out to me that the characters do live in a world where everything and anything that gives them happiness could be taken in a heartbeat so it makes sense why they would speed up their relationship. But sadly like the original manga is still uses over the top edge and over dramatization of certain situations to try to get its point across. Which lucky it dose it less but there still monuments where I still thinking was that really necessary to add that in. Like there is this one scene where this person gets chopped in half by a chainsaw or another scene where you got Mutsuki is riding this ghoul corpse that she has fucked up beyond repair because we find out she is an yandere for Kaneki and this corpse basically looks like him. Don't get me wrong I enjoy it I just feel it doesn't have to go as far as it does sometimes. It's just for a series in my book to be counted as mature it has to handle its content in a mature way even if it has mature themes and concepts.
My major problem is that some of story arcs and character arcs were mishandled and where written a little sloppy and wasn't as tightly packed as some of the other story arcs where. like during the rue island arc, one of the most hyped things was the battle between Hoji and Tatata. basically what happens is before the critical blow was done Takizawa basically comes out of nowhere and kills almost everyone and even if that was used for Takizawa character arc. I still feel that situation was mishandled. What should of happened is that one of them lands the critical blow and before they finish it Takizawa comes out and does his thing. That's a better concussion because Hoji and Tatata get this finish there thing and Takizawa still gets his character arc Like how hard is that to do exactly. And speaking of story arcs. The jailbreak and rue island raid were done around the same time and how it jumped from different characters , groups and timelines was quite the cluster fuck. Because the events of the jail break arc have already happened as the rue island shit was kicking off. Like it would have been better to have one of arcs focused on only and then you switch to the other arc. The fact those entire arcs where cliffhanger central didn't help because there so many things to focus on and those arcs kinds became a Cluster fuck. Because those arcs were trying to do to many things at once in so little time that it became unfocused and really hard to sit through.
I want to address some of new ability they give ghouls. Which is the last negative thing I want to say. Like The idea that your kagune is shaped by your imagination and creativity and how strong it can be depends on many rc cells you have. I think it fine it makes sense given the information we know about kagune and how ghoul abilities work. But the thing that has me scratching my head is that there are ghoul characters that have these very odd abilities even by ghoul standards. Like there’s a character who kagune can make fire that can burn about as hot as the sun or another character who can make these clones of himself with his own kagune (Those are just a few examples out of a dozen I could mention) And I don't have a problem with these abilities being in the series because it's makes the fights more interesting and slightly more tactical than I should give it credit for. it just I wish they explained how that works exactly. Because it kinda feels like an asspull when they don't explain how to works.Like do you have to be part of some special ghoul bloodline to get these abilities or are these abilities things you can pick up the stronger and more experience you have with your ghoul abilities.

Characters: 7/10
Main character Kaneki Ken, initially living with memory loss under that name Sasaki Kaise(which I’m going to be calling CCG Kaneki) is kind of a rehash of what Kaneki used to be before he became Kan-edgy. This is something i find quite annoying, especially since his whole “I can't control my ghoul side” was somewhat pointless to me, because he’d already gotten over that conflict of “what am I?”. On the flip side, I found his overarching “I wanna get my memories back” character arc interesting, even though I feel it dragged out for far too long and although I found the payoff to be decent, getting there was very taxing and slow burn. In retrospect, I actually appreciate his character for who he is, as personality wise he’s basically like a more mature and confident version of black haired Kaneki, as I found him was originally kinda boring. It's also interesting and cool to see CCG Kaneki in the mentor/ teacher role, because the QS children he is looking after are like a family to him and I find the time they spent together very cute and endearing, which also speaks volumes about how Kaneki has matured over the course of the story as a whole. Because originally he was lost and didn't know what the fuck he was doing but now he is confident and has a family. But sadly all good things have to come to an end and though certain events he gets his memory back and oh boy we find out a lot more about his true character. I won’t go into detail about what we find out about him from this event for the sake of brevity, but If you thought Kan-edgy was an edgelord, then just wait till you see his next persona, black Kan-edgy. Luckily, he doesn't stay around for long. So before I continue with Kaneki last personality change for now. I would like to say even though I found black Kan-edgy really cool and kinds badass and it also drives home the point of how Kaneki is a very damaged human being deep inside and kinda explains why he is the way he is in certain situations. But anyway his last persona which I am very much on the fence about, as takes on the best and worst qualities of his character. Because he has the confidence because now he knows what he wants in life and knows what he needs to do and he has the capability to get that shit done and will be a badass about it. Which is always a plus in my eyes But at the same time he is a bit too passive and he still has trouble with making a critical decision and I feel at times he loses some of the intelligence and foresight he had before. Because Kaneki is not a dumb person he's actually quite a smart person yet sometimes he has these random Lapps of intelligence. Like for one example he finds out about a spy that’s gained information on him in his base of operations and instead of killing him, he locks him up, even though and he might have a tracker and a listening device on him(which he totally does btw). But even though he has those flaws I feel it makes him more realistic as a leader and helps drive home the point that he still has lots to learn as a leader and an individual before he has finished his journey. Even though at that point of the story he’s been kinda deified to ghouls and humans alike, to the point where in fact in one scene, an entire groups of ghouls refer to him as their king repeatedly.
The side characters as a whole is kinda a mixed bag for me, because on one hand we get quite a few characters that go through great character arcs and decent fleshing out, but at the same time we still have those dime-a-dozen cannon fodder characters, who you can tell immediately are going to die, despite their backstories and fleshed out personalities. To add insult to injury, there are still way too many characters that don’t get the panel time they need to be properly developed or fleshed out and for the most part either only show up every now and then to speak a few lines or even worse, get killed off before they even become characters in their own right, like Fuuka or Hairu. These are characters that had potential and were around for quite some time, yet not only were their personalities barely fleshed out, but they’re built up, only to get axed off before they can amount to anything.
Now, on to character development. I feel that Re is quite abundant in characters that are excellently developed, both by the standard set by the original series, but also by the medium of manga in general, albeit often following certain patterns. One of the most common of these patterns being that of inhuman characters discovering or rediscovering their humanity and growing more responsible, tieing them more to the series’ themes. Characters following this general type of character arc include Urie and Ayato, who both initially are introduced as apathetic and inhuman, but later on, through the hardships they endure, learn to be more empathetic and in tune with the world around them. Of course, these aforementioned characters pale in comparison to one of my favourite Tokyo ghoul characters of this type, that being the character of Juuzou. Now in all honesty, Juuzou used to be one of my most disliked Tokyo Ghoul character, as I have a personal bias against characters that are of the one dimensional psychopath variety. The reason for this is because in my experience, those types of characters are more often than not used for the shock factor or as pre-packaged antagonists, rather than as a base to develop interesting characters or as grander thematic pieces, to challenge the reader’s perspective. Fortunately, Juuzou is one of the few rare cases where that's not the case, as over the course of the series, he receives excellent character development. Not only does he grow into a much more mature character, but he also builds relationships with the characters around him, becoming an important figure in their lives, instead of just maintaining his singular status as the CCG’s murder tool.
The character interactions are a lot more interesting and have a lot more weight to them that those of the original series, given what’s been built up till this point. Some of my favourite interactions in the series include those between the people in the CCG and CCG Kaneki and the QS children he looks after. By concept alone this is something that draws my interest, given the preexisting disposition the members of the CCG hold towards anything even resembling a ghoul. An added benefit from these types of interaction is also that they allow for the individual characteristics of the CCG members to be drawn out, cementing each of them further as individuals, rather than some hivemind. By far though, one of the best things that Re does is show the gradual shift the the CCG members’ perspectives towards the ghouls, as over time they seem to realise that the ghouls are something more than or just evil, blood thirsty animals that want to ravage, corrupt and kill everything in sight. Finally, i want to bring attention to the way some characters either reconcile their differences or past misdeeds and become comrades, like in the case of Akira forgiving Hinami and Touka for their involvement into her father's death. Though this event it’s shown both how much these characters have matured, to be able to get to this point in the first place, but also instils in them the realization that being consumed by hate only serves to further fuel the conflict between the humans and the ghouls, without actually solving anything, but instead just causing more bloodshed.

Art: 7/10
The art for Tokyo ghoul re is great improvement over that of the original manga. The backgrounds have more detail and make the city that the story takes place in feel so much more alive. The fight scenes are a lot cleaner and it's much easier to tell what's going on, except for some scenes where characters are moving really fast or there are multiple things happening at once. The character designs are much more creative and varied this time around, even though there are some characters that look very bizarre (even by Tokyo ghoul standards) and kinda cartoony, like for example this one guy who looks like a corpse, that’s been put together using old body parts. I also think some the some of the characters’ outfits look really cool and add more personality to them, like Ayato’s battle suit, which he wears in the auction raid arc or Kaneki’s white suit, that makes him look like some kind of badass yakuza gang leader. The last thing I want to address is that improvement in the quality of the designs for the kagune and kakujas, as now they’re varied and creatively drawn than a lot of the older ones, especially when they’re drawn to look really metallic or insect like. Also, now instead of “this ghoul has wings” or “this ghoul has a tail”, it’s more like “this ghoul has a fucking armor” or “this ghoul has a fucking scorpion tail”. Besides that though, they’re just all around a lot more detailed and stylish, which I really enjoy.

Enjoyment: 7/10
To be honest, even though I am quite negative about this series, I’m quite the Tokyo ghoul fag, so I enjoyed the living fuck out of it. It always gives me something to look forward to and reading the new chapter every week and finding out what happens next never failed to bring me joy. I think the thing that I enjoy about Tokyo ghoul re the most though is the fact that the writer of Tokyo ghoul(Sui Ishida) is so unapologetic about what he puts In his story. For example, there’s an entire chapter long sex scene between Kaneki and Touka or a scene where Mutsuki is half naked, riding a corpse that looks like Kaneki. The dude just doesn't give any fucks and that adds a lot of personality to Tokyo ghoul, which really gives you an idea of what type of person the writer is, through these types of scenes.

Overall: 7/10
Tokyo Ghoul Re story wise has some really good ideas on paper, that in practice simply fail to read their full potential. Nevertheless, lacking as it may be, it’s still is a step in the right direction, as it improves upon many of the problems the original had, even though it feels like it's still being held back by them. It's not the masterpiece of great writing that some people claim it to be, but it's getting there, so I would totally recommend Tokyo ghoul re to anyone who likes the idea of humans vs misunderstood outgroup stories. I’d recommend you check out parasite and ajin first though.
Btw, i didn’t where to include this, so imma just say it here. Eto is best girl! Fuck you! Fight me!
Special thanks to my unpaid and slightly pissed editor, Lonecrit.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
May contain spoilers

Story - 9/10
This manga is the sequel to Tokyo Ghoul and starts off with the new Quinx squad. Some people might be confused about the whole first 1-2 chapters but it soon becomes clear. After reading Tokyo Ghoul, I learned that Ishida rarely makes any plot holes. This just proves that there is a purpose in why he chose to time his story a certain way, and why certain characters re-appear.

In fact, Ishida has already laid out the full skeleton of the story early on and is only connecting the bones as the story develops. Yes, you have to pay attention to details, symbolism and you might have to read the story more than 1 time but trust me, it's freakin' worth it.

The plot twists are actually unanticipated, and make the story progess not in a random way as opposed to most of mangas out there.

Art - 8/10
Looks good overall... Deducted 2 points because sometimes, attacks are draw a bit sketch.

Characters - 8/10
What makes :RE (and TG in general), is that the main character AND side character have development. Every character in :RE goes through some kind of development (for the better or the worse), which makes the whole story even more interesting imo. Most of seinen/shounen out there have such cliche/under-developped characters that you can easily predict and tell what they will do following an event.

:RE's characters are unique in a sense that they don't seem like filler characters that the authors plugged in just for the sake of advancing the main character. Furthermore, since most of the characters go through character development, they look more relate-able. And as a reader, it makes it harder for us to choose sides which increases the enjoyment of this series.

The only bad thing I could say about :RE's character would be Touka (call me a hater I don't care), she's the most stereotypical of the bunch and is kinda just tossed in the back burner... Not sure what she will bring to the plot at this point (chap. 119).

Enjoyment - 10/10
Don't ask, just read it.

Overall - 9/10
Close to perfection but would wait a bit before concluding since we are approaching the end! :)

Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
If I had to choose, I would choose "THIS". Yes, Tokyo Ghoul:Re is my best manga for two reasons, deep philosophy and characters.

Story: 9/10
The story goes smoothly with minor complications in the beginning due to the introduction of a huge cast of characters. Also, I have to agree that the last two volumes were a little messy as the pace of the story was increased rapidly with every passing chapter to the point where the characters felt they were pulled along with the wave. But as the author introduced the story as Ken Kaneki as the protagonist, I ought to overlook the few mistakes that came along the way.

Art: 10/10
Well, the pictures speak for itself. Whether, it is cryptic art, cover page or main panel, there was not a single chapter which was missing one of these special treats. Ad the bold lines in general are an absolute treat to watch which is hugely in contrast to how Tokyo Ghoul was drawn.

Character: 10/10
The journey of the characters in the manga was handled really well in my opinion (except Mutsuki, Uta, Rize and Roma). But as I said, this was the fault of the pacing of the story rather than the behaviour of the character themselves which made their endings a bit unrealistic. But I can live with that. The epilogue pretty much made up for the flaws.

Overall: 10/10
:Re, for me, earns the status equivalent to something like Harry Potter or Naruto where the story may not be near perfect like Fullmetal Alchemist or Koe no Katachi but it gives a yearning that I want to visit their world and meet the characters. This special feeling deserves an extra point which makes up for the flaws in the anime. Also, the parallel connections between Part1 and Part2, the interesting titles, the amazing artwork and the hidden philosophies made the manga such a fun ride and it forced me to enjoy it slowly which I very much appreciate in a material.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review

So much happened throughout the two installments I can't recall well.

TLDR: Story mixes combat, character psychology and tragedy. Truly heartwrenching when you read it. Not much to be improved in the art. Deep evolving characters with background. Enjoyed the ride, except getting off of it. Read this, it's tragic

This won't be a review in its normal way. Rather, just me spilling my thoughts that are drowning me of grief from the end of the series.


I'll list it simply :

- Wow Suzuya's character went through a lot; crazy, feeling, empathy. At the end Shinomiya waking up and Suzuya crying of happiness was super sweet.

- Mutsuki was crazy, sadly we didn't see her talk with Kaneki

- Touka and Ken have gone through so fucking much to arrive where they are now : 1. Random encounter at Anteiku,
2. saved by her from Nishio,
3.[bunch of stuff I can't remember],
4. they become lovers and do it,
5. they overcome the final obstacles,
6. they live happily ever after.

- Amon and Akira; we didn't get closure nor the kiss scene, sadly

- Kuzen was so mysterious, and he died (left the series) unremarkably

- Tsukiyama: went from attempting to kill Ken, then secretly wanting to kill Ken, then desiring to get a taste of him and his child, then wtf they reconciliate? We don't know, maybe he's still a danger.

- so much character development and characters in general in this series. It's truly its strong point: Urie, Ken, Suzuya, Touka, etc. Their stories: Kuno, Amon, etc.

- story: tragedies, tragedies, tragedies, happy ending yay

- however, the end wasn't a tragedy, happily. But it did feel unsatisfying, would've liked a kiss at least from Ken and Touka

- art was awesome, but I feel like in :re it dropped a lot

- too many characters later
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
So I originally watch Studio Perriot's (studio clown) anime for Tokyo Ghoul, I loved it and went onto the manga. I read it pretty quickly and moved onto Tokyo Ghoul:re, but I did get stuck in the earlier chapters and left it for a while.
But I came back, and goddammit I'm so glad I did.
In the beginning not much happens, but the chapters get better, I have currently read all of the released chapters, and currently it is my favorite manga.
The amount of foreshadowing and little hints is outstanding, the terot cards that show so much meaning to characters, the ties between things, the meanings, the art, it is all so amazing.
It is so stuffed with all of these foreshadowing hints and the littlest of moments can mean a world of things. The twists hits you in the face and the realization of a quote resaid can make you fall out of your chair. (Ex: "It's just my intuition")
This is a beautiful written tragedy that can make me ball my eyes out (seriously chapter 83... it still makes me cry and it has been months).
You won't be disappointed with this series, let me just lay down some amazing characters here on the table.
Kaneki and his inner insanity, who is shown to actually have multiple personalities disorder, Suzuya and his amazing character development, Arima and how he actually felt doing his job as the CCG's grim reaper. Furuta and his joker esque personality.
Not to mention that the first chapter of Tokyo Ghoul (not TG:re) foreshadowed to Tokyo Ghoul:re chapter 53. That is absolutely amazing.
The fight scenes are great, the characters are so lovable and fantastic, the meaning/symbolism and foreshadowing blows me away, the tragedy is written correctly and beautifully. Just let me... *shoves in face*
Seriously, read it and don't drop this manga, you'll regret it so much.
Mar 26, 2021
Tokyo Ghoul:re review
All right, time for a review. No spoilers, it will mostly be about my personal experience with the series Tokyo Ghoul:re .

Story - 8
Now, look, like many other people, I've read Ishida's masterpiece Tokyo Ghoul, and then, hearing it will get a sequel, I've started reading TG:re . Now , many of you probably have this question, is the manga worth reading?
I'll answer honestly, if you're a TG or an Ishida fan, you could say it's worth reading.
The story is quite good, I date not say perfect, but it is good, it has real plot, it has twists, it quite keeps you on the edge, waiting for more, but me, being the very critic person I am, I will always ask for more. It starts off very slowly compared to it's prequel, but as you move on, by Ch 30 you'll realize that it's pretty good.
But as all sequels, it felt a little bit forced, nonetheless, Ishida hasn't failed to amaze me with his plot writing skills, and in the end, I'm sure as it happened in Tokyo Ghoul, everything will fall into place, like a big puzzle.

Art - 10
Being an amateur artist myself, I appreciate alot of art, but mostly what I do see mostly, is how much work and detail is put into this manga.
Ishida probably draws while he's sleeping, because man, his characters have life when you're reading the manga. It's like they're in front of you laughing maniacally or shouting, laughing , etc. you get my point.
His drawing style is quite different from other mangaka's , I must say his drawing style is quite somber, grim sometimes, which helps the universe the characters live in be better understood.

Characters - 8
Now look, the characters, they are all right, there is much detail put into their appereance and their back stories, which amazes me. But I'm not a big fan of the Quinx Squad, I feel like the protagonist trying to be their father, it's a little bit cringy to do. I find it cute at times, since Sasaki/Kaneki never got to be a father or a big brother, and it shows a fatherly side of him, but I feel like it doesn't belong with his insane persona.
Look, Kaneki/Sasaki is supposed to be an SS rated ghoul ,bloodthirsty and insane, unable to control himself anymore, instead, he plays father for some children who all surprisingly have family problems, what a coincidence.
I'm sure a lot of people don't mind it, but I do. It's just so not Kaneki.

Enjoyment - 9
To be honest, I enjoy it. As much as I complain about it, it simply is an enjoyable manga, with a few smart jokes here and there. It's a fun ride with feels and everything you've experienced in TG, prepare your tissues, since you'll probably experience it x2 here.
I'm sorry if it seems I complain too much about the series, but it's minor things that kind of bother me sometimes, since I see no need for some changes.

Overall - 9
Let me just say this, I find it a good manga, Ishida did not disappoint me, and I'm happy about it because most of the times, sequels to a good story are shitty. It's a good manga, but before reading it, make sure you've read Tokyo Ghoul first, and don't be lazy and watch the anime, you'll be brainf*cked , the anime adaptation to this gorgeous manga series is not so good, even though it had potential, since the first season isn't too bad, it's the second season that messed it all up.

Good luck reading~
Hope you enjoy the story !!
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Auteur Ishida, Sui
Artiste --